Process Monitor is a free tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity. I have written a post explaining the steps of making a backup of your registry. And when finally your trial has expired, you can uninstall the software, restore backup and try installing the software again. So the best way is to make a backup of the registry before installing any trial software. Therefore when you try installing it again, it detects the key and gives you a message like for e.g, “Your trial period has expired”. When you uninstall a software after it’s trial period has expired, all files are deleted except the keys in the registry.

Most trial software add a key in your system registry by tweaking it. I have two methods which you can try, one of them should definitely work. (after trial period)?” A simple Google search shows that most people are looking for it’s solution.

One of our reader asked a simple question, “Do you have any idea how to reinstall trial software?